[Translate to Englisch:] Beprobung Knochen

Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie

The Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH (CEZA) founded in 2004 at the initiative of then Director General Alfried Wieczorek now consists of the Materials Analysis Laboratory and the Klaus-Tschira-Labor für physikalische Altersbestimmung (Klaus Tschira Physical Dating Laboratory).

Since opening in 2006, the center has firmly established itself in the field of archaeometric research and services for cultural studies and heritage preservation. Scientific methods are employed here to answer art and cultural history questions pertaining to provenance, material identification, production technology and cultural heritage authenticity and dating.

Find out more about Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie:  www.ceza.de 


Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH

D6, 3

68159 Mannheim

Phone +49 (0)621 – 293 89 47 
Fax +49 (0)621 – 293 38 28




Address for visitors

Labor für Materialanalysen
D6, 3
68159 Mannheim

C4, 8
68159 Mannheim